Welcome to HMKV's blog.

This blog currently documents a research trip to twelve former Soviet Republics for a new regional project of the Goethe-Institut (2015-17). Earlier entries document the "Afro-Tech and the Future of (Re-)Invention" research trip to Kenya, South Africa and Nigeria (10-25 April 2014, Anne Bergner and Inke Arns), and the INDUSTRIAL on Tour trip to five industrial cities in Poland (27 Sep - 9 Oct 2011, Thibaut de Ruyter, Inke Arns et al.)

Dushanbe: Bundesbar

EN Here's the proof. It's really called Bundesbar, and they serve Eisbein from mutton.

DE Hier ist der Beweis: Der Laden heißt wirklich Bundesbar, und es gibt Eisbein vom Schaf.

EN Alex explaining me the difference between "stakan" and "bokal". Nice drawing!

DE Alex erklärt mir den Unterscheid zwischen "stakan" und "bokal". Schöne Zeichnung!